On Wednesday, December 9, 2015, Brendan O’Rourke will be part of a panel of key thought leaders and practitioners presenting a live webcast from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm (ET) to review the most recent trademark dispute cases and discuss TTAB Rulings, with emphasis upon preclusion. Speakers will explain the significance and possible repercussions of the rulings and how brand owners can safeguard their trademarks in the future. They will also provide best practices in developing and implementing effective strategies to protect against trademark infringement. This event is part of a series of webcasts produced by The Knowledge Group. Complimentary passes are available to the first 30 Proskauer registrants at the following link: https://gkc.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=form_207115
Want to talk advertising? We welcome your questions, ideas, and thoughts on our posts. Email or call us at lweinstein@proskauer.com /212-969-3240 or akaplan@proskauer.com /212-969-3671. We are editors of Proskauer on Advertising Law and partners in Proskauer’s False Advertising & Trademark practice.