On March 28 and 29, the Association of National Advertisers hosted its thirteenth annual Advertising Law & Public Policy Conference at the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, DC. Proskauer was a sponsor of the conference, and Proskauer’s Larry Weinstein participated on the “Tweeting with Words” panel, in which the panel fielded a wide-range of questions live-tweeted from attendees.  Larry also spoke on disgorgement of profits in Lanham Act false advertising cases in a pre-conference meeting of the ANA Legal Affairs Committee held on March 27 at Reed Smith’s Washington, DC office. More information on the conference may be found here.


Want to talk advertising? We welcome your questions, ideas, and thoughts on our posts. Email or call us at lweinstein@proskauer.com /212-969-3240 or akaplan@proskauer.com /212-969-3671. We are editors of Proskauer on Advertising Law and partners in Proskauer’s False Advertising & Trademark practice.