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Tag Archives: Third Circuit

Third Circuit Shreds Plaintiff’s Credit Card Receipt Case On Standing Grounds

The Third Circuit recently held that procedural violations of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (“FACTA”), absent any showing of concrete harm, do not meet Article III standing requirements.  Kamal v. J. Crew Group, 2019 WL 1087350 (3rd Cir. 2019). Plaintiff Ahmed Kamal commenced a suit against J. Crew Group after making purchases at … Continue Reading

Third Circuit Splits with the Seventh Over Standing To Sue For Alleged Inefficient Design of Eye Drop Dispenser

In a surprising decision and split with the Seventh Circuit, the Third Circuit recently held that plaintiffs have standing to sue for unfair trade practices under the theory that a manufacturer is obligated to optimize the number of eye drop doses in a container of a fixed volume, even if there is no alleged misrepresentation … Continue Reading

A Yarn Spun, But Advertising Not Tailored to a Lanham Act Claim

In a recent application of the Supreme Court’s 2014 Lexmark decision on standing, the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held last month that a yarn retailer who alleged it was misled by its supplier into purchasing mislabeled yarn lacked standing to bring a Lanham Act false advertising claim. Knit With v. Knitting Fever, … Continue Reading

Third Circuit Irons Out “Powerful” Performance False Advertising Dispute

The Third Circuit has rendered a notable decision with important implications for the use of fine print in advertising. The Court held that small print statements that explicitly define the terms of a more prominent superior performance claim can render that performance claim unambiguous – and thus subject to a literal falsity claim – even if … Continue Reading

Third Circuit Rejects Presumption of Irreparable Harm for Injunctive Relief under Lanham Act

Following a series of recent appellate decisions across the spectrum of intellectual property disciplines, including the fields of patent, copyright and trade secrets, the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has ruled that a plaintiff cannot rely on a presumption of irreparable harm in seeking preliminary injunctive relief under the Lanham Act.  In Ferring … Continue Reading

Third Circuit to Putative Class Action Plaintiffs: No Receipt, No Class Cert

On May 2nd, the Third Circuit declined to rehear en banc its 2013 decision to reverse class certification in Carrera v. Bayer Corp, which created a big hurdle for would-be plaintiffs bringing suit in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware who fail to keep records of their retail purchases. In Carrera, the plaintiff brought what was … Continue Reading

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